Is your makeup aging you?

We all want to look our best.

Makeup is a way to enhance what we have and improve what we can.

Here are 3 common mistakes women make when applying makeup.

1. Too much black eyeliner

What looks good on a 20 year old doesn't necessarily look good on a 40 year old. As you age, you want to minimize the high contrast and go for a more natural look. An option is to keep the eye liner on the water line and the tear line. Selecting a brown eye liner instead of a black will also reduce the contrast.

2. Your lipstick is not in your colour palette

If you pick the wrong colour lipstick, people will notice your lipstick and won’t notice you.

For example, if you have naturally blond hair, a deep crimson lipstick will not play in your favour. However, the same lipstick would be very dramatic on a person with jet black hair.

When you know your colour palette, you can pick confidently and look your best for any occasions. A colour consultation with an Image Consultant or a make-up artist will give you that assurance that you are making the right choice.

3. You still apply your makeup like you were a teenager

The world of make-up is fast changing. New and better products are coming on the market all the time. It’s hard to stay on top of the best and the newest things. Makeup artists are aware of the best tools and merchandise. I highly recommend a consultation with a professional. It’s worth the investment. Think about the cost of buying a new foundation and finding out it it is just too dark for your skin tone. What a waste of money! A makeup expert will recommend products that are right for you! They will even test them on you.


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