Changing your beliefs
will change your life
RTT® stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy. It’s a form of hypnotherapy developed by Marisa Peer, renowned therapist. Just like the name says, it’s RAPID and it’s TRANSFORMATIONAL.
RTT® is like a turbocharged version of therapy that uses hypnosis and other tools to quickly change how you think and feel. RTT® combines hypnosis with other techniques like NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). It aims to bring quicker and more profound changes by accessing and rewiring subconscious beliefs. Traditional hypnotherapy often focuses solely on hypnosis, aiming to induce a trance state to address specific issues or habits. RTT® tends to be more structured and goal-oriented, aiming for rapid results compared to the more gradual approach of traditional hypnotherapy.
During a RTT® session, I begin by understanding your concerns and goals. Then, I guide you into a relaxed state, similar to a focused daydream, using hypnosis. While in this state, I help you explore memories or beliefs linked to your issue. Through conversation and visualization, you uncover the root causes and then work to reframe those beliefs or experiences positively. The session ends with personalized audio recordings to reinforce the positive changes outside of the session. You listen to the recording for 21 days to cement the change and new beliefs.
No, during an RTT session, you remain in control at all times. The therapist guides you into a relaxed state, but you're aware and conscious throughout the process. You're an active participant, sharing your thoughts and experiences. The therapist simply helps facilitate exploration and positive transformation by guiding your focus and accessing the subconscious mind.
RTT® is designed to work relatively quickly compared to some other forms of therapy. While individual experiences vary, some people might notice changes after just one session, especially for more straightforward issues. For deeper or more complex challenges, 2 or 3 sessions might be needed.
RTT® can be effective for many individuals, but whether it's the right therapy depends on personal preferences and needs. It tends to suit those seeking faster results and who are open to exploring subconscious beliefs.
RTT® Hypnotherapy is a useful tool to reach those hard core beliefs that have been set in childhood.
Life can be better.
Billie’s experience with RTT® Hypnotherapy
Abi’s experience with RTT®
A short video that demystifies what hypnotherapy is and how powerful it can be.
Hypnotherapy can work with:
• releasing childhood trauma
• letting go of anxiety
• releasing weight
• building confidence and motivation
• improving memory
• ceasing bad habits (smoking, procrastinating, nail biting, etc.)
• overcoming fears and phobias
• alleviating chronic pain
• enhancing reproductive health
• improving sport and academic performance
… and so much more!
Find out more about this amazing therapy called RTT® by Marisa Peer herself!
Natalie is an outstanding RTT® Therapist who was personally trained by Marisa Peer herself!
Powerful RTT ® Hypnotherapy session with Natalie Wong, C. Hyp. RTT®