The power of colours
Colours have personalities. Colours also have power and by wearing them, you shift your energy and people react towards you in a different way. For example, If you go to financial advisors for a consultation, would you trust them the same if they were wearing a bright yellow suit or a navy suit?
Chances are you would take the financial advisors with the navy suit more seriously. Navy is conservative and traditional as bright yellow displays spontaneity and creativity.
I personally love red and love to wear red. I love it so much that a few years ago, I painted my whole living room a warm red. Oh My! After a few weeks, I could not stand it any more. Every time I entered the room, I felt anxiety. It even carried to my work; I was more aggressive and became agitated faster. Within a few months, I repainted the living room green and immediately felt more at peace.
Colours have power. They affect your psyche differently if you wear them, surround yourself with them and even eat from a plate of a certain colour! Think you know all about colours? Take this 5 question quiz and find out!
1. If you want to appear friendly, wear…
a) pink b) green c) grey
2. If you want to appear calm and practical, wear…
a) yellow b) green c) gold
3. If you want to have an artistic look with a bit of mystery, wear…
a). light blue b) red c) deep purple
4. If you want to look friendly and outgoing, wear…
a) silver b) turquoise c) orange
5. If you want to show that you are down to earth and practical with a no-nonsense attitude, wear…
a) black b) brown c) white
Let’s not forget that colours can mean different things in various cultures around the world. Colours meaning also change over time. For example, before 1950, blue was considered a girl colour and pink was considered a boy colour. Pink, related to red was seen as a powerful masculine colour and blue, related to the Virgin Mary was more feminine.
Next time, you go shopping, think of the meaning of colours. Shop wisely and select your garments according to the message you want to convey!
1a. If you want to be approachable, wear pink. It’s a non threatening colour that has a flair of playfulness and innocence. You don’t have to have a full pink outfit. A pink shirt or a pink scarf will do.
2b. People who love to wear green are practical, balanced and peaceful.
3c. Purple is also often associated with royalty. Light purple or lavender has the meaning of purity and tranquility.
4c. Orange is a fun and bright colour. By adding a bit of orange to your outfits, you show that you have an outgoing and exciting side.
5b. Wearing brown shows that you are loyal, helpful and well grounded.
The above quiz is based on North American interpretation of colour.
Taken from "Colour Analysis Complete Guide", by K. Brunger