Who can wear a satin dress?

Can you wear a satin dress?

It’s the holidays!  Covid is no longer at the front of the agenda and people are eager to go out and celebrate!  If you go party dress shopping you will be facing many options.  Shiny satin dresses are always available at this time of the year and who would not be tempted to try one on?  Trying on dresses is fun, but buying is a bit more serious.   You want to make the right choice!

These 2 red dresses have a satiny, shiny fabric.

So who would look better in such dresses? Person A or person B?

Person A Person B

It all comes down to personal texture. That is where the answer lies.

If your hair is straight, smooth and sleek and you have reflective skin, you suit shiny, glossy fabrics. The woman on the left (person A)  would look fantastic in a satin dress.

If you have curly hair with matte skin and freckles, you have a rough personal texture and you would not look your best in a satin dress.  For you, a fabric that is more rough or nubby would enhance your appearance.  See the red fabric below…

Such a fabric is perfect for the woman on the right (Person B).  The lace has a rough texture and the fabric is not shiny.

Some people are somewhere is the middle, not too smooth, not too rough. What should they choose?

Let’s look at another example.

This dress has a smooth fabric that is not overly shiny. It has shimmery decorative elements at the front and this makes is a perfect choice for this woman.  Why?  The woman has wavy hair and reflective skin: a combination of shiny and rough; the dress suits her perfectly.

Let’s look closely at this woman in the pink dress.  Her hair has much texture and if she were to go party dress shopping, she should not pick a satin dress.  A dress in a fabric displayed on the right, would suit her perfectly.  The shimmer of the fabric screams party, but the nubby texture is a perfect match to her personal texture.

Now, that you are more familiar with textures, finding the perfect dress for YOUR personal texture will be much easier!

Fun test:

After learning about personal texture, you can now answer the question: “Who can wear a satin dress the best?”

Think you got it right? Write your answer in the comment box below.


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